Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Quote of the Day

Harpo Marx

The words fail me!

what is to say?
the book is done.i am appalled.
it cant be 2011,it cant really be!!where the years gone?
i had much to say but now i am speechless

like other great and shit stuff has come and gone.the book is not done but ready to release.a joke?lol.no.
you can say the book has written oneself,and george is still writing.

maybe my threat has caused effect(02.09 read for yourself)

like the elves,time has come to say bye and leave the place to the other newer generations that will follow.
i have invest couple of years to shift things,shit on things,sit and sing and speaking with spit.
until the time comes to rant about TWOW i think the words are useless.
the countdown is set.the mob is not steerable.they will not hear, and will overrun you to the stores.

thanks to everyone,with i rant and laughed and waited and over-lived the years.
special thanks to IWC,to FTBG and to GRRM who has not written until today.

Dienstag, 1. März 2011


                             my appearances so far for 2011

April 17.2011.colonic irrigation, St. Vincent's Hospital Santa Fe,NM,USA
June 16-19,2011 Fantasy Rape Convention in Midinnowheresky,Pornland
August 17-21, 2011 Rhinovation,Reno, Nevada, USA
August 26-28, 2011 Boobonicon DD